The misadventures of a normal man

Once upon a time, there was a man.
A rather well-mannered man.
His name was Steve.
Steve was a animator who did several commercials in the past, along with some other animators.
He was recently retired after working on a final project, a long movie.
He was relaxing in his small house, out of the middle of a neighborhood..
When all of the sudden, he receives a package in his mailbox with a note from the anonymous sender.
The letter said "I am the mighty man of all mans. Don't open the film canister.", in rather crude handwriting.
Disregarding the warning, Steve crumbled up the letter and threw it in the trash.
He then opens the film canister, which contained a film stock.
He then analyzes it, in which the contents were a story about a man who had several cases of bad luck and misfortune.
Suddenly, the film then crumbles in his hands, as he looks in confusion.
And then, the now-dust "film" then vanishes in front of his eyes.
Thinking it was all a dream, he then promptly forgets the event.
A few days later, Steve then walks outside his house to shop.
A man who has a large amount of potatoes then proceeds to attack him, by throwing said potatoes at him and his face.
"What are you doing?" said Steve.
"CLEANING YOU OF YOUR EVIL ENERGY" said the madman with the potatoes.
Eventually, Steve runs as the mad man chases him, until the man trips on a rock and falls into a convenient hole.
Steve then looks down to the hole, in which all he can see is pitch black darkness.
He sighs, and goes into the store.
As Steve shops, people then glare at him for seemingly no reason, while he picks up vegetables, water, etc.
He then buys his amass of food, and goes home.
During night, Steve then notices several animals watching him at night.
He is somewhat unnerved at this event, but mainly shrugs it off.
Then, the day after he decides to mess around in a online chat, in which his friends are randomly angry at him, for no reason.
Steve then realizes that the film was actually a cursed one, and that by not heeding the warning, he screwed himself over.
After that, he then finds the note, only for it to say "YOU DIDN'T LISTEN" instead.
Suddenly, Steve's pencils then come alive, and begin to attack him.
Steve struggles to fight back, and is injured by the pencils stabbing him.
One even stabbed his eye.
After that, Steve then slowly turns into a bald, morbidly obese man with a large white beard, as he's now the successor of The Mighty Man of All Mans.
He then rummages for potatoes in his house, and the man formerly known as Steve then sends chain mail to cure his affliction, while also crudely making film canisters and stock.
After that, The Mighty Man of All Mans completely disappeared, never to be seen again.
People were then sent a mysterious package containing a film canister and a letter, and after opening the canister, had several instances of bad luck happen to them.
All of them eventually went missing, with no sign of them anywhere.
Moral of the story:
Don't be a normie and open spam.
It may be cursed.